Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Kompri very common in Europe and western Asia, which grows in wet soil or edge berumpput gutter. Kompri usual in Indonesia are planted in pots or in the garden as a medicinal plant. Herb, forming clumps, height 20 to 50 cm. Sernu trunked plants. Single leaf, oval, pointed tip and base, the flat, surface rough-haired, long, 27 to 50 cm, width 4.5 to 14 cm, pertulangan pinnate, midrib turns on the base grew to form roset root, green color. Compound interest, funnel shape, yellowish white. Fruit round, each fruit consists of 4 seeds. Seeds round, small, hard, and black. The young leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. Propagation by root division.

Curable Disease:
Rheumatism, aching rheumatic pain, diarrhea, typhoid, heartburn, breast cancer,; Inflammation of the respiratory tract (bronchitis), bruises, ulcers,; Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), broken bones (fractures),; high blood pressure (hypertension) , rheumatism, gout, colitis,; breast swollen breast, stomach upset,; cough with phlegm, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsilis), menstrual blood a lot,; urine of blood, saliva bleed, and bleeding hemorrhoids.

PART USED: Leaves and roots.
Leaf efficacious to overcome:
- Rheumatism, aching rheumatic pain,
- Diarrhea,
- Typhoid,
- Heartburn, inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), diabetes mellitus (DM),
- High blood pressure, and
- Breast cancer.
The root of merit to overcome:
- Bruises, ulcers, wounds in the lungs,
- Broken bones (fractures),
- Rheumatic gout,
- Breast milk-swollen dam,
- Inflammation of the intestines, stomach upset,
- Cough with phlegm, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), inflammation of the airways
- Feeling full in the chest,
- Bleeding: menstrual blood a lot, urinating blood, bloody saliva, and
bleeding hemorrhoids.
Fresh roots as much as 20-30 g of boiled and then drunk. For external use, fresh leaves are ground smooth to heal wounds, ekzema, and bruises. Roots are mixed with finely ground limestone bemanah to heal wounds, leg ulcers, large ulcers, hemorrhoids, gangrene, gout rheumatism, and tumors.

1. Rheumatism:
A total of 15 g of fresh young leaves, washed and diced.
Eat as lalab.
2. Rheumatic gout:
Kompri roots washed and fresh ground sufficiently finely. Put
in a sick body part.
3. Bruises, ulcers, wounds in the lungs:
Kompri fresh roots for 1 thumb cut and boiled
with 1 cup water or wine. After chilling filtered, then
divided for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon of the same lot.
4. Pain management in the chest
Kompri roots as much as 20 g of freshly washed and cut into pieces
necessary. Boiled with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass.
After chilling filtered, divided for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon.
5. Broken bones, cuts, new wounds:
Kompri roots finely ground fresh taste. Put on the
broken bones or cuts, and then bandaged.
6. Breast swelling, bleeding hemorrhoids:
Kompri roots finely ground fresh taste. Put on hemorrhoids
bleeding or swollen breasts.
7. Tonsillitis, bronchitis, cough with phlegm:
Kompri roots as much as 25 g of freshly washed and cut into pieces
necessary. Boiled with 2 cups water until remaining 1 glass.
After chilling filtered, divided 2 Sarna much. Drinking in the morning and
8. Stop the bleeding:
Kompri roots as much as 20 g of fresh finely ground. Air feelings
plus a little wine, a drink.
- The use of excessive lead poisoning, especially damage
- Better use of limited kompri for treatment until
Further research on medicinal plants was completed.
Recent research revealed that the plant kompri
which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer).
- For external use, the use of leaves as a remedy for kompri
healing wounds and broken bones are not problematic.